Re: new sendmail bug?

joel (
Thu, 23 Feb 1995 00:43:23 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, James W. Abendschan wrote:

> I gathered it had something to do with imbedding newlines in
> either the info it reads from identd and/or imbedding newlines
> when giving it command line options.. but it's hard to say.

The updated sendmail readme stuff (quoted below) indicates (actually, it
does more than indicate, it specifies) identd and bogus values from 
sites that hate it.  perhaps it constructs its own To: line for us? and 
mails stuff accordingly.

There's something else first, though, which I don't know anything about. 
perhaps someone else can shed light on it.

- Joel

Me, Employer, Seperate, Blahblahblah

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                                  n-@ y+

>From the readme (patch format):

+ 8.6.10/8.6.10 95/02/10
+ SECURITY: Diagnose bogus values to some command line flags that
+ 	could allow trash to get into headers and qf files.
+ Validate the name of the user returned by the IDENT protocol.
+ 	Some systems that really dislike IDENT send intentionally
+ 	bogus information.  Problem pointed out by Michael Bushnell 
+ 	of the Free Software Foundation. Has some security
+ 	implications.